Join us on our journey!
In 2018 myself and my wife took the decision to give up our teaching jobs, pack everything up and move to a beautiful, quiet village in the hills of Southern Spain. We very quickly felt very much at home, falling into the local lifestyle and culture, and we soon learned about the importance of agriculture on the local economy, and in particular the dying art of Almond growing.
So we set about learning the techniques for effective growing in an arid climate, correct pruning, and tree maintenance and now have 15,000 square meters of land currently with 245 Almond trees.
We have now set our goal on developing a new tree planting programme, with a plan to clear and redevelop additional land and to ultimately plant 1000 new trees over a 10 year period
A single tree on average can store up to 21kg of CO2 per year, so if we hit our target of 1000 trees, we will be preventing over 2 tons of CO2 from entering the atmosphere each and every year.
In addition to this, across the whole of Southern Spain, soil erosion and the encroachment of the North African Desert is having a massive effect on the landscape, and therefore through and effective tree planting this process can be slowed.
We have a commitment to plant new Almond trees, maintain and replace ancient trees, and to increase the overall planted land area within our part of Spain.
We are not alone, there are multiple groups and organisation, some big, some as small as us, all collectively and tirelessly working to slow the effects of climate change for the benefit of future generations.
But we do need your help. Both financially to support the plans we have in place, for the future, and vocally, through your businesses and networks of friends, by raising awareness of who we are and what we believe in.
We can make a difference, one tree at a time